Figure I should give a quick update.
Ran her again at the ECTA season opener at the Ohio Mile.
I ran into some issues with ECU editor boost control, air shifter/trans, etc so didn't do as well as I hoped. However,.... main goal was to get into the ECTA "official" 200MPH CLUB and was able to do that so I can't complain.
I just wanted to thank everyone that has supported me through this thing called life. Most don't know but this was a tough weekend for me.
6-years ago yesterday I went on a nice motorcycle ride with a friend of mine through Texas hill country. About an hour into our ride a truck turned in front of us and with zero time caused a head on collision killing my friend.
In his memory I wanted to dedicate my record passes and 200-MPH CLUB entry this weekend to him....Brad Marveggio!
Sometimes things happen in life we just don't understand. We've got to continue on, enjoy those memories, great times shared, and live every day to it's fullest because you never know when it's your time.
Godspeed Brad, DaveO, and Bill!
My first pass got me into the club at 205mph!
Second pass trying to get the boost control to work resulted in a 204mph!
Third run on Sunday got the boost to hold a little better but it kept popping out of gear went 212.77mph!
Fourth and final run after numerous missed shifts and crazy wind was another 212mph.
At this point the wind was to bad and not worth the risk with a crazy cross wind blasting you at half track so I packed it up for the weekend.

Also want to congratulate Wilson on getting in the 200 CLUB with a 200.99 run on a basic bolt-on Busa (202mph best) and Brandon with a 206 CLUB entry and a best of 213mph! It was nice seeing everyone and had a great weekend..