I added a 40 hp Spyder system and ran it tonight. I've got a stock motor with Brock's system and PC3 usb. Baseline runs were 9.23 @ 149.17 and 9.28@ 149.58. I added 21% to Brock's map (+6% is always in there) and ended up going 8.98 @ 156.84 so a little over 7 mph gain and a little over .25 et reduction. It went from 120.29 mph to 125.8 mph in the 1/8 or a solid 5.5 mph gain. I figured it might be fat since I added 21% over Brock's map so I dropped it back to 15%. I then went 8.948 @ 157.34 and 8.953 @ 157.15 with both runs being about .01 slower in the 60 foot so I figure the adjustment helped a little.
Question is - I think I'm about a tenth, maybe a tenth and a half and maybe 2 mph off what I should run in the 1/4 but the 1/8 mph seems good. Do you agree? I'm going to check my clutch stack height this week and I'd like to get to a tuner to really see what's going on but that isn't available to me right now.