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Author Topic: Set up for an old Gen I  (Read 6397 times)

Offline HollywoodAlberta

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Set up for an old Gen I
« on: October 31, 2021, 11:47:59 AM »
Hi Folks.
      I just came back to this site after being AWOL for a few years (I was gone so long I needed to take a new user name)and need a bit of direction.  I have just picked up a tired Gen I that I want to take to the drag strip in the spring.  It's stock length but lowered and has a front strap. What sprocket pairing should I use?  Have a Shinko on order so don't know what series but the dealer is a drag racer so he will get me a correct tire.  What pressure in the Shinko? Launch RPM? Shift with or without the clutch?  Had an airshifter before so don't know about the shifting and I dont know that I want to sink that kind of dough into this relic.  I don't know the history of this bike except that it has after market cush drive insert (the vendor said) upgraded clutch springs (he said that too) and a K&N filter.  It also has a Power Commander 5 and a Yosh exhaust.  I don't know if it makes any more horse power or just scares the daylights out of the dog.  Any other help, observations or advice would also much appreciated.

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Re: Set up for an old Gen I
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2021, 09:51:43 PM »
Hey John, at stock length 16/40 gearing works pretty good. Great for street and strip. If it's just going to be a strip bike only you could get more aggressive with the gearing. Any Shinko is good, the Stealth is great street and strip, the Hook-up PRO is a great strip tire, ok on the street. Tire pressures always depended on track conditions, anywhere from under 15 psi to 25-30+. Aftermarket cush drive rubbers is good. Now with the clutch springs, are they just 'upgraded/heavy duty'? I would highly recommend Brock's clutch spring/cushion kit, and the one piece clutch clutch mod too. When I ran a similar set up, I was launching at 4500 rpm, shifting at tach-indicated 11,000. I have always foot shifted my Busa too.